The School District of Bangor is excited to announce the hire of Dave Lueck as our new elementary principal effective July 1, 2025. Dave has spent the past eight years as the Bangor MS/HS academic assist teacher. Prior to that he served as a lead counselor at the Wisconsin Challenge Academy. Dave received his Bachelors degree in education from Rippon college, his Master’s degree from UW-L and his educational administrative licensure through UW-Superior in 2024. Dave’s ability to work with all students and families as well as his passion for the Bangor community came through during the hiring process. He shared the following statement about the new position. "During my years in Bangor, I have come to realize what a special school and community we have. Both of my girls had amazing experiences at Bangor Elementary, and I am honored to have the opportunity to give back to this incredible school."
We welcome Mr. Lueck to his new position and wish him all the best as he leads our elementary school.

The election is one week away.
For more information, check out the referendum information page on our district website.

Our Food Drive starts TODAY!
Student donations will be collected in middle and high school Cardinal Time groups. Community donations can be dropped off at the following locations: Hansen's IGA, Highland Ridge Market, First National Bank, River Bank!

The track and field apparel store is once again open! The store will be open until midnight on the 31st. Use the link to shop.

National Honor Society and 8th Grade Leadership are doing a Food Drive to help stock our Cardinal Pantry! The drive will run from March 24-March 31. Items will be collected at school in students' Cardinal Time groups. Community members can drop off items at the following places in town: River Bank, First National Bank, Highland Ridge Market, and Hansen's IGA.

The Regular Board meeting of the Bangor Board of Education has been canceled due to weather. It will be rescheduled and posted for Monday 3/24/25 at 6:30 PM.

Bangor MS took two teams to the Mississippi Valley Gifted and Talented Battle of the Books competition. Out of 19 teams and 80 students, they took 1st place and 3rd place.
Team 1 won 1st place- Scarlett S., Stella L., and Kalli A.
Team 2- Charlie M., Alexis S., Rian L., Olivia W.

Reminder - Operational Referendum information session tonight at 6:00 pm in the Middle/High school commons.
Please swing in to learn more!

Bangor High School students participated in the National History Day Regional Contest at UWL on March 12. Congratulations to the 8 projects (16 students) that qualified for the NHD State Contest!
2nd Place: Julianne Thielker, Belle Case La Follette
Alternate: Steven Nelson, The Rights and Responsibilities of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Group Exhibits:
1st Place: Walker Langrehr, Zander Clements, Levi Stark, Transcontinental Railroad
2nd Place: Lily Mercer, Jaycee Michek, Jesse Owens
3rd Place: Brenna Dietrich, Madison Nichols, Radium Girls
Alternate: Preston Buehler, Arlond Nicolai, Brady Peterson, Japanese Internment Camps
Group Websites:
1st Place: Alivia Anderson, Madison Bass, Jade Robinson, Jordan Sackmaster, The Importance of Family Consumer Sciences
Individual Exhibits:
3rd Place: Kiera Cavadini, Prohibition
Alternate: Autumn Everson, Carlisle Indian Industrial School
Individual Websites:
1st Place: Kong Meng Yang, The Incarceration of the Japanese
2nd Place: Kaylee Grant, The Enabling Act

Last week, the League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan non-profit, visited Bangor High School to help our Seniors register to vote. They talked about the importance of voting and showed students how to use myvote.wi.org to register, see who is on their ballot, and find the location of their polling place.
Bangor HS students encourage you, as well: Everyone, vote! The next election is on April 1.

This week, Bangor administration got out and visited with our Bangor Music Backers, Village of Bangor Board, Village of Rockland Board, Town of Washington Board, Bangor Lion's Club, and Town of Burns Board. In all of these meetings we shared information about the upcoming April 1 operational referendum. All district residents should have seen one informational mailer to this point in time and can expect a second by the end of this week or early next week. On Tuesday of next week we are offering an informational session about the referendum in the MS/HS Commons at 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend and learn more. If you would like to learn more from the comfort of your own homes, please check out our website at https://www.bangor.k12.wi.us/page/operational-referendum-information-2024 for more information. The Q&A section was updated this morning with questions and answers from a couple of the meetings attended this week.
Please take the time to understand what the question on the ballot on April 1 means for our kids and community.

Mrs. Olson's Art of Craft and Wellness students are taking turns teaching a crafting project to elementary students. Last week Jordan Sackmaster and Liam Elsen taught their frog and flower coffee filter project to Mrs. Langrehr's second grade class.
HS Painting class has their Abstracted Architecture projects on display in the hallway across from the art room. Students researched a destination they would like to visit or have visited and then used acrylic paints on recycled cardboard boxes given to Mrs. Olson from Joann Fabric.
Middle school students grades 6-8th created an Outer Space themed Black Light Display outside of Mrs. Olson's room. 6th graders made Fantasy Outer Space Scenes. 7th grade made Space Astronaut drawings and 8th grade made Alien Sculptures.

Some of the elementary art on display at BES!

Softball apparel is for sale. The order closes on March 23rd.

Carl the Cardinal came to celebrate reading with BES students for Read Across America Week! Big thanks to Carl for giving high 5s, giving hugs, doing the Griddy, and taking center stage! The students really enjoyed the special visit.

Ms. Nikolai's 4K class visited Mrs. Brokopp's third graders on Read Across America day. The classes enjoyed reading books together!

So proud of our students! Yesterday they read a whopping 41,625 minutes! It's "Read Across America" week and the kids have had many literacy supported activities throughout the week. Thank you to our awesome PTO and the support they provide our students and staff. Keep reading 😁

Congratulations to our February Students of the Month!
6th grade: Kalli Giraud and Rylynn Linenberg
7th grade: Jordan Nachtigal and Jackson Wenthold
8th grade: Tuthais Baldwin and Ryan Lochen
9th grade: Carly Pfaff and Grayson Truskowski
10th grade: Marin Gasper and Holton Reetz
11th grade: Mya Hoth and Violet Hundt
12th grade: Brock Bores and Cian Buchholz

Track apparel store closes tonight.