FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025
Yearbook final order count is due April 5th, if you want a 2024-25 Yearbook you need to act fast. List of students who have purchased one can be found on Mr. Burkhardt's Door, any questions about ordering please see Mr. Burkhardt. If you do not order one, there is no promise that one will be available after we give a final count to the printing company.
The Drama department is looking for volunteers who would like to assist with doing hair for the upcoming musical. The musical is March 28, 29, and 30th. If you're interested in helping, please see Ms. Hooker or Ms. Guenther.
Community Service Opportunity: Bangor Elementary School PTO Carnival, May 2nd. If interested, see Mrs. Horstman or Mr. Lueck.
The following coaches and their teams will be competing at the state Odyssey of the Mind tournament that will be held at Bangor Middle/High School this year. Good luck to everyone!
Division II
Problem 3 -Cooking with Books
Coach - Ms. Coe and Assistant Coach Mrs. Schulz
Team members
Finley Beeskau
Molly Huerkamp
Daphnie Edwards
Middle School Students
Emily LeBeau
Allison Mathison
Lexi Schulz
Emma Jerome
Happy Birthday to Brady Peterson on Saturday and Blaise Piper on Sunday!
Monday’s Breakfast: Apple Frudel Pastry. Monday’s Lunch: BBQ Rib Sandwich or BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, and Tater Tots.