Daily Announcements


8th graders through 11th graders: There has been a change when scheduling forms will be sent out to you. Forms will be sent this week on Wednesday and you will have two weeks to complete them. During Cardinal Time on Tuesday, staff will be talking to you about different class options to help you all make good class choices.

Our Western Career Coach will be here next Tuesday, February 25. If you would like to meet with them, please sign up in the main office. Students who are planning to take college classes in the fall (current juniors) are encouraged to sign up for any questions that they might have.

There will be a softball meeting for any HS girls interested in playing softball at 3:00 on Tuesday in the Cafeteria.

Community Service Opportunity:  The Bangor Lions Club is looking for volunteers for their annual pancake breakfast that is held at the elementary school on Sunday, March 2nd.  They are looking for students to work from 7:30-9:30, 9:30 to 11:30 or the entire time.  Please contact Mrs. Horstman in Room 111, if you are interested.  

Community Service Opportunity: Looking for student volunteers to help with concessions for the state Odyssey of the Mind tournament on March 22, 2025. Help is needed from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please see Mrs. Horstman or Mr. Lueck if interested.

Tuesday’s Breakfast: Build Your Own Breakfast Burrito. Tuesday’s Lunch: Chicken Alfredo or Lasagna Roll-Ups, a Garlic Breadstick, and Roasted Broccoli.