4K registration for the 23-24 school year will be scheduled in the spring of 2023. Students must be four years of age on September 1st of that school year to be age eligible to attend 4K.
If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Teri Kenyon at 486-5205.
Welcome to 4K! The children in 4 - Year Old Kindergarten (4K), come to school all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. That may sound like a long day, but the children are actively engaged and the day goes pretty fast. Our day is based on the concept that children at this age learn best through play experiences vs. direct teacher lead instruction. The curriculum if focused on letters, numbers, and handwriting. Much of our time will also be spent enriching social and emotional skills of the children with the goal that every child will enter the kindergarten classroom with self-confidence and ready to learn.
Since our program is a full day program, the children will be eating breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Just like lunch, you will have the opportunity to either purchase a school’s breakfast or you may bring your own breakfast items from home (like fruit, vegetables, granola bars, crackers, pop tarts, cereal, etc.)
We also offer many opportunities for you to become involved in your child’s learning. There will be chances for you to attend parent enrichment activities throughout the school year. The 4K parents are also encouraged to attend other events that the school and/or P.T.O. sponsors like the Carnival, family fun nights, fitness night, pumpkin party, Dr. Seuss night, and Earth Week, etc.
Thank you for your interest in 4K and feel free to call us at 608-486-5205 with any questions you may have.
Mrs. Lisa Waldenberger, 4K Teacher
Ms. Melanie Brooks, 4K Teacher
Mr. Michael Johnson, Principal