Bangor School District Special Education
Our highly dedicated, knowledgeable, and professional staff is child centered and family focused in their service delivery. Through a collaborative process, our teams are constantly developing, monitoring and evaluating programs to ensure that we offer innovative, comprehensive services to all of our students. Families are considered an equal and important part of the team. Transition efforts, technology, collaboration in the community and accountability to the highest degree of overall achievement are integral pieces in our individualized programming efforts. As a staff, we work with children, ages 3-21. These students have an identified disability which requires specially designed services to help meet their learning, behavioral, motor, or speech needs. We support learning in the least restrictive environment, which often results in inclusion in general education classes with support.
If you have any questions or suspect your child has a disability, please feel free to contact us:
Josh Chaplin
School Psychologist/Special Education Coordinator
Jean Reigel
Special Education Secretary